The cat is the real king of the house, our most demanding customer, and today, 17 February, he celebrates his day. The stories of Socks, the popular family cat of President Bill Clinton, and Choupette, the mascot of the Channel designer, have made this day a special day for
The Revista Técnica de Medioambiente reports on the collaboration with the Fundación Hidrógeno Aragón, in the BIOGAS_RIS3A project The Fundación Hidrógeno Aragón is leading this project to develop new materials to revalorise biogas from solid urban and agro-industrial waste. The BIOGAS_RIS3A project, which started in June 2019, is financed by
January has also brought a lot of snow to our transformation site in Orera. Workers, trucks and lorries have made their taches compatible with this beautiful print.