
Committed to caring for the planet

One planet, one priority is an attitude

This is our way of demonstrating our commitment both to the environment, and to our customers and suppliers. At MYTA we work with the absolute priority of improving our commitment to the Planet every day.

Integrated sustainability model

Each exploitation plan is followed by a restoration plan.

Where once there were mines, today more than 1,000 indigenous plant species grow, which means generate more than 20 tonnes of oxygen per year.

A total of 54 hectares have been restored.

Thus, once mining is completed, we return the land to its original status,to be integrated into the landscapes of which it is part of or to be used for agricultural and livestock purposes.

We have established green purchasing criteria

At MYTA we promote a circular economy, in which our products and packaging are respectful with our environment.

We use 100% compostable and recyclable paper bags and handles.We use recycled and recyclable cardboard for our cases, certified by Ecoembes.

We encourage the use of FSC managed bags,which meets sustainable farming standards and aims to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable use of forests. All of this, by means of a controlled and sustainable exploitation.

Our products are grouped and shipped on the most environmentally friendly pallets on the planet, managed according to ISO 14044.

We care for the planet by making the most of the resources it has to offer us

At MYTA we have energy efficiency plans that help to leave the smallest possible footprint on the planet.

In the ore drying processes, we reduce the consumption of non-renewable energies through solar energy.

We transfer responsible consumption to our plants.

We are ISO 14000 certified, which sets out the standards and guidelines to be followed for efficient environmental management.

We protect our environment by studying ways to become more efficient every day.

MYTA is an ISO 14000 certified company, certified for Environmental Management.

As a company committed and environmentally responsible, we have quality and environmental certifications, energy efficiency studies and we carry out an extensive control of our processes.

The reduction and control of our environmental impact, the Carbon Footprint calculation has allowed us to identify opportunities to reduce greenhouse gases, define relevant targets and take the most appropriate measures in terms of sustainability and the fight against climate change.

In the same way, thanks to our efficient logistics system, we optimise delivery routes, which helps the savings in fuel consumption and a reduction in CO2.

Committed to animal protection organisations

Through our cat litter brand MyCAT we collaborate with several animal refuges all over Spain, donating our litter for the cats living in them, waiting to be adopted

We also collaborate in different campaigns and events organised by them, promoting adoption and against animal abandonment.



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