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The importance of animal welfare

The importance of animal welfare

Animal welfare on farms is a fundamental point that requires a series of actions to guarantee it. In this post, we are going to talk about piglets and the needs that these animals have at birth, to ensure their health and welfare. The piglet, when it is born,

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ADCLAY and growth in pigs

ADCLAY and growth in pigs.

On fattening pig farms, feed efficiency and profitability are two key terms. Feed represents the most important fraction of production costs (between 65 - 75 %). Therefore, good nutrition management is the cornerstone of successful profitability.

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ECOCLAY natural mineral litter for poultry species

ECOCLAY, the natural mineral litter for poultry species.

ECOCLAY is the mineral solution for poultry farms as a litter component. The product, which is based on sepiolitic clays, forms an insulating, dry and comfortable surface for the poultry. MYTA's sepiolitic clay is a natural mineral with a high absorbent capacity, making it an excellent

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