Industrial Absorbents

Natural absorbents for industry

Inertisation of ship-generated waste.


Waste inertisation

The minerals of MYTA possess specific absorbent properties that make them suitable for the treatment and inertisation of toxic waste and adsorbents.

Inertisation is key to safer and more responsible resource management:

It favours the leaching of waste.


Industrial absorbents

We produce and market a range of industrial absorbents made from sepiolite and attapulgite: inert, light minerals with a great capacity for absorption of all types of liquids.

Industrial absorbents from MYTA are specially designed for the absorption of oils and chemicals. They are completely inert, although caution should be exercised when handling them with strong acids.

The products are simple and effective to use, and are particularly suitable for industrial spills in factories, petrol stations, workshops...

Absorption of oils and industrial spills

Cleaning, restoration and rehabilitation of stone materials


Architectural restoration

We have a range of clays that are suitable as supports for the cleaning, restoration and rehabilitation of stone materials in historic buildings.

The sepiolite is used as an absorbent in desalination treatments, treatment and cleaning of stone materials. These clays act by controlling the chemical attack of other acidic or basic products that are incorporated with it.

MYTA collaborates with the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Zaragoza.

Unizar earth sciences logo


Water treatment and purification

Through the synergistic blend of its minerals MYTA has created the ideal product for water purification. This synthesis of modified minerals specially designed and prepared to achieve higher doses of efficacy. Suitable for any type of treatment and for any industrial sector. 

Ideal for:

Under the terms of use proposed by MYTA staff, this is a additive safe from the point of view of occupational safety and medicine.

Industrial water treatment

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