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With the A...

acadeMYTA Dictionary

We have 5 words beginning with the A and are essential in our everyday vocabulary. Do you want to know what they are?

Discover them in the dictionary of acadeMYTA.

Absorption: the ability of our minerals to absorb liquids and odours.

Acopio: natural storehouse of our minerals.

ADCLAY E 563: brand name under which our technological additive for animal production is marketed.

Adsorption: this is the capacity to absorb molecules, ions... This characteristic allows our Sepiolite, for example, to adsorb (and neutralise) certain mycotoxins.

Aglomerating agent: property possessed by bentonite. It forms a ball on contact with moisture.

Atapulgite: pink coloured absorbent clay that we extract in our mines in Segovia.


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