Animal welfare

Technical solutions for the livestock sector

100% natural additive for feed and premixes

Animal feed ADCLAY



At MYTA we have a range of products specifically based on sepiolitic clay for the animal feed market. All our products for this sector are registered in the European Union under No. E 563/1g563  and certificated in FAMI'QS

Toda la gama cumple con las normativas europeas en cuanto a sustancias indeseables y presencia de dioxinas y PCB’s en la alimentación animal.

The inclusion of our feed additive has the following advantages:



At MYTA we have a range of absorbents for litter based on natural clays. This combination of clays forms a natural product with a high absorption capacity of humidity. Adequate bedding is key to the animal welfare, as they spend their lives in contact with the litter. Choosing quality litter helps to avoid various diseases and problems that negatively impact farm productivity, profitability and economics.

Combination of clays that improve the quality and hygiene of the bedding.

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