At MYTA we have a range of products specifically based on sepiolitic clay for the animal feed market.
All our products for this sector are registered in the European Union under No. E 563 / 1g563 , certificates in FAMI'QS and suitable for organic feed.
The whole range complies con las normativas europeas en cuanto a sustancias indeseables y presencia de dioxinas y PCB’s en la alimentación animal
The inclusion of our feed additive has the following advantages:
- Granulation in the manufacture of animal feed.
- Increases the durability of the feed pellets.
- Binder additive, anti-caking agent, coagulant.
- Improves fluidisation in floury compound feeds.
- Excipient in the manufacture of premixes and correctors.

ADCLAY® certified for organic feed
Natural and harmless product, used as an additive in the manufacture of feed and premixes for different animal species.
- 100% natural
- For all animal species
- Suitable for organic feed
- Available in various formats
Animal feed
Modes of marketing
Big Bag
20 kg bags

Animal feed